RK day – movie sharing

Today some Primary students stayed at school to watch a movie together, Up.

It was a touching movie and students were encouraged to be brave enough to achieve their dreams!


RK Day – Church Visit

P.2A – 2B went to the Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church in Wanchai.

It was a lovely day!

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Thanksgiving Mass

The Mass was held right after the final examination.

Students and teachers gathered in the Chapel together to show the gratitude to God for the love and guidance throughout the year. It was also held especially for the P6 students who are going to leave the school to proceed to their next page of life!


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Religious Week paintings

Really nice paintings! By our primary Students of different levels!

Their efforts and devotion are really soooo valuable!


Bible sharing (3)

P4 students today shared about a teaching from Jesus: love your enemies.

It is never easy not to follow the earthly rule “an eye for an eye”, yet we have to insist and encourage kids to do this. We adults should be the role models and show them in our daily life.

It is never easy, but could give ever-peaceful fruits.


Bible Sharing (2)

Today Bible sharing was made by the P5 students.

It was about the Creation of the world.

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Bible Sharing – Religious Week

Go and Preach  – the theme of this Religious Week.

We make use of this chance to allow kids to be more familiar with the words of God.

With the encouragement of teachers, student representatives of different levels are invited to be on the stage in the morning assembly, and read aloud the Bible passage to the whole school. Fr. Vincent would then share them about the teaching and the meaning.

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P6 (Rachael and Jatin) – Jesus calming the storm on the lake


Let’s prepare for the Religious Week!

It’s the 800 Jubilee of the Dominican Order.

The Primary Section specially prepare themselves with these paintings as one of the celebrations!

Thanks teachers for all the preparation work and enjoying together with the kids!

New Youth Society recruitment

Annual recruitment of New Youth Society.

We now have new members! Great!! Thanks for the help of the student helpers, Fr Perez and teachers!

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Mindfulness practice @Secondary Section

Since last academic year, Primary and Kindergarten have started the Mindfulness practices during morning assemblies and lessons. This year, Secondary Section has started the same too! We hope by all these practices, students and teachers of the whole school could be benefited the calmness, and enjoy the peace and joy deep within our hearts. By these, our state of mind could be more focused and healthy.

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